Thursday, October 29, 2009

Getting Closer

A quick, non-ranting update:

I'm recovering well and keeping up with my medications. I have good stamina, although I am sleeping a good 8-9 hrs/night (and loving it). I called back one family practice and am confirmed for December start up. I have a lead on another and may get in there faster than the first.

I have had a couple of calls from friends who are in the health care industry in Erie who are sympathetic to my cause, and have provided great leads on speeding up the new patient process, and getting hooked up with a good cardiologist.

I'm staying on a good low-fat, high-fiber diet (with a little red wine in there), and feel pretty good at this. We're still pretty busy with band and some other stuff, but it's calming down starting next week. A later post, when I have time, will get into the whole food pyramid and America's love affair with meat and dairy.

Many thanks to those who sent good wishes and goodies. I really appreciate it!

One good outcome of this was that I was able to corral all of the ladies in my family and set up some outdoor photos this last weekend. This is the first outdoor set we have ever formally done...from my front yard!

Thanks ladies. I even smiled nice!

1 comment:

  1. Nice family portraits. I'm sorry to hear that you had a heart attack; glad to hear that you are recovering and eating healthy.
